After some delays with the printing of the lyric insert sheets, "Manifests" is now set for a November 4th release of the vinyl to shops locally and a November 18th release to digital streaming services. 

The lyric insert sheets are copies of the original typewriter drafts for song lyrics and ideas, all typed on Tim's 1948 Olympia portable (except one handwritten sheet). The lyric sheets contain original drafts of some songs that appear on the record (and several songs that did not make the record), often with alternate lyrics, edits, variations and handwritten edits, notes and adjustments that show Tim's songwriting process. Readers of the sheets will be able to note how rough drafts of ideas are disassembled and reassembled with other lyrics to make a song, how some lyrics edited out of songs ended up being recycled into other completely different songs. There are 12 lyric sheets total - all vinyl copies of the album will come with 8 sheets plus an additional random selection of 2 sheets from the remaining 4. Compare notes with your friend's copies to see what sheets you might have that they don't and vice versa. A lyrical puzzle to piece together and deconstruct, if you will.

Promotional copies are already being distributed - in the Windsor area, be sure to drop in at Vintage & Vinyl in La Salle (891 Front Road) and at Dr. Disc Records in Windsor (471 Ouellette Avenue) to hear the promotional advanced copies. You can pre-order the record at those shops or online by clicking here.

Additional details on the release will be forthcoming including streaming pre-save links, radio updates and more.

A Windsor record release show originally planned for November has been postponed until the new year.